Transforming Gender Equality
Stereotypes are generally ingrained into us from an early age. In order to address violence/aggressive behavior in society in general, and boys and men in particular programs promoting appropriate Gender Roles should be implemented early and should include boys. Patriarchal culture norms are one of the key barriers to women’s empowerment and, and gender equality calls for the active engagement of men and boys. By changing attitudes among men and boys, lasting improvement for women and girls will be created. Elizayo is op the strong opinion that intervention should be focused on both genders and start at a young age.

Child Emotional/Behavioural Health
Childhood is a critical time for promoting optimal social and emotional development. During this time, prevention and emotional, mental and behavioural health promotion interventions show great promise for establishing critical foundations to lifelong health and well-being. Through our child service we provide opportunities to help children develop social and emotional skills that they will need throughout their lives. They are also important to help address problems before they become severe.
We use play therapy as a technique in working with both children and adults (where necessary). This technique makes use of games, toys, art mediums such as clay, drawings and paint in order to assist individuals to express their emotions, thoughts, feelings and needs – particularly when they have difficulties finding the correct words and manner in which to express themselves. Play therapy helps children and adults to understand confusing emotions and traumatic events and allows them to find ways in which to express themselves while still feeling safe and secure. Through play individuals are able to communicate and express themselves at their own level and at their own pace, without feeling threatened.
These types of therapy can be used for various difficulties, such as:
-Children experiencing trauma
-Working with victims of emotional, physical and sexual abuse.
-Trauma intervention for the family or individual
-Working with post-traumatic stress
-Relationship therapy between adolescent/child and parent

It's A Girl Thang
This program provides a framework to guide the prevention and intervention of at-risk and marginalised girls. It is designed to nurture and reinforce femaleness as a positive identity with inherent strengths to support healthy self-expression. Additionally, it also provides decision-making models and life skills to aid in the transition to womanhood. Marginalized and at-risk pre-adolescent and adolescent females, aged 12 to 18, are provided with an opportunity to explore their experiences of abuse, sexual exploitation, body image and violence, as well as their strengths and daily lived realities in a safe and non-threatening environment. Participants are provided with the opportunity to explore their experiences of abuse, exploitation and stereotyping by developing a positive identity with inherent strengths for healthy self-expression.

The Boy Code
Often, boys are raised in an environment that expects them to be tough and to take risks to prove their manhood. If we want to raise respectful boys, we have to take the responsibility for what we are perpetuating and teaching as a society: The ‘boy code. Our program focuses on helping boys, aged 10-14 years, to reframe the boy code, so they are not constrained by it. This includes helping them with emotions, boundaries and developing respectful relationships. It does not blame boys themselves but seeks to change the culture that creates the boy code. Our aim with this program is to help boys to develop the skills and knowledge to challenge assumptions about personal identity, gender roles, and power imbalances that perpetuate interpersonal violence and reckless behaviour. Through this program, they will develop skills that facilitate respect for their own dignity and human rights, as well as for the dignity and equal rights of others.

Friend or Foe
The Program aims to enable marginalised and at-risk girls, aged 11- 18, to identify and avoid a range of negative sexual experiences that involve varying degrees of coercion. We are committed to empowering young girls to speak up and take control of their lives and identify and avoid negative sexual experiences through education and confidence building. We want them to feel safe and comfortable in their relationships, and to be able to say no when they are not comfortable. We are committed to empowering young women to speak up and take control of their lives. Coercion can create an unhealthy power dynamic in any relationship, and our mission is to spread awareness about its various forms. Contrary to popular belief, coercive control is not always aggressive and our services aim to aid those who have suffered any form of emotional abuse. Coercive control can include assault, threats, humiliation, intimidation, emotional manipulation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten victims.

Courageously Man
The Courageously Man program is designed to empower participants by providing them with the tools they need to challenge assumptions about personal identity, gender roles and power imbalances. Through our program, they will develop the skills to facilitate respect for their own dignity and human rights, as well as the dignity and equal rights of others. We’re committed to reducing the prevalence of gender-based violence by challenging cultural norms. Our program focuses on toxic masculinity and unhealthy, learned behaviors that contribute to gender-based violence. We help boys between 10-14 years old to cope with difficult situations and feelings, reducing aggressive and disruptive behaviors. Join us in making a difference today.

Decide, Dont Slide
Elizayo is committed to instilling the concept of gender equality and social justice in girls at a young age. We understand that finding a balance between seeking acceptance from peers and maintaining a sense of individuality can be a struggle. Adolescence can be a challenging time for many young girls and our comprehensive girls' empowerment program is designed to help young girls make informed decisions and become confident, empowered young women. Our program empowers young girls and helps them build protective factors to maintain healthy relationships. With our strong focus on safety and wise sexual choices, we aim to guide and support girls toward their safety goals. We're dedicated to providing the tools and resources that girls need to develop a deep understanding of healthy relationships and make informed decisions that will serve them throughout their lives. We want to empower them to make informed decisions regarding aspects such as sexual activity and peer pressure. By providing girls between 11- 18 years with the tools necessary to build strong connections with peers and develop positive self-image, we help young individuals grow into confident adults ready to take on the world.

Boy in the Box
The Program aims is to create a healthy gender culture, where Boys and Adolescents males are empowered to play an active role in promoting gender equality and healthy gender norms. They are empowered to recognize and change harmful attitudes and behaviors towards women and to advocate for gender equality. Boys between the ages of 10-18 are provided with the tools and knowledge to challenge harmful masculinities, by developing a deeper understanding of gender stereotyping and rigid hierarchies. Violence against women is a major issue in society, and at Elizayo, we believe that addressing harmful masculinities is the key to preventing it - we are committed to decreasing and preventing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and the stereotyping of women. Over ten sessions we provide a safe space for participants to help them understand the impact of their attitudes and behaviors towards women. Together, we can create a safer and more respectful world.