Are You Ready for Fundraising
To succeed in fundraising, nonprofit organizations should begin from a position of strength, rather than desperation. This implies that a nonprofit organization must assess its readiness to seek support. Being ready means that the organization possesses the administrative, governance, financial, leadership, and programmatic know-how necessary to not only secure funding but also to effectively deliver on the promises made in terms of funding received.
We offer services that will enable Non -Profits to develop a comprehensive starup toolkit that will support future fundraising efforts, and enable you to implement own inhouse fundraising effortss
Before a nonprofit organization embarks on planning a fundraising campaign it needs to assess its readiness to seek support. Does it have the resources, opportunity, and self-understanding to successfully fundraise? The Best way to Start a Fundraising Plan and Process of your organisation is a position of strength - not desperation. Hurriedly putting together a fundraising plan to deal with some impending financial shortfall is unfortunately the most common response to a well-known problem. The best way to ensure a successful fundraising campaign is to build the organization’s capacity by methodically and thoughtfully working through various key areas of preparatiion
Fundraising Readiness Assessment and Development
Readiness Assessment & Feedback
Organisational Audit. 3 year Historical Review [ Fundraising, HR, Finances, Services etc.]
3 year forecast and needs as per above
Develop Implementation Plans, indicators, outcomes etc.
Principal Organisational Portolio -Organisational And Service Profile
2 draft rewrites
Donor Database[and related aspects] included at no additional cost
[8 weeks -R9000 once off]
Development of Base Tools and Templates
Development of 4 focused base proposal templates based on client services
Templates designed - major generic donor requirements and donor focus [as per client instruction
Cost indicated below depentant on Fundraising readiness process being completed
Not Available as Standalone - Cost R0 - included in above
Fundraising Strategy Development
Follow sthe process of Fundraising Readiness being completed
5 Hour onsite workshop with agreed parties [Managment, Board and relevant staff representatives]
High Level First Draft Completed and distrubuted to relevant parties: 6 weeks
2 Hour Online - Second Planning workshop with relevant parties. Adaption, expansion etc.
Develop Strategy Implementation Plans, indicators, outcomes etc. 6 weeks; Detailed Second Draft completion. Distrubuted
If Required a further online meeting will take place after distrubution of second draft. If not final document distrubuted
4 Hours onsite closing meeting- discussion of final document and way forward.
Onsite costs dependant on location
[16 weeks -R9500 once off]