Practioner Tools and Templates
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TCU Drug Screen 5
Screens for mild to severe substance use disorder, and is particularly useful when determining placement and level of care in treatment
Free To Use:
It is requested that IBR be notified of their use, and that copies of reports based on these interventions be sent as a professional courtesy
Positive and Negative Affect Schedule
The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS; Watson et al., 1988) is a 20-item self- report measure to assess positive affect (PA) and negative affect (NA). PA is associated with pleasurable engagement with the environment, whereas NA reflects a dimension of general distress summarising a variety of negative states such as anger, guilt, or anxiety.The PANAS is a useful tool for therapists who are interested in tracking changes in positive and negative emotions for clients from week to week as they engage in day-to-day life
TCU Adolescent Thinking Forms A
Address thinking styles and thinking errors and document control over personal drug use, drug culture, negative urgency, positive urgency, premeditation, attention.
Free To Use
It is requested that IBR be notified of their use, and that copies of reports based on these interventions be sent as a professional courtesy
TCU Adolescent Thinking Forms B
Address thinking styles and thinking errors and document problem solving efficacy, drug resistance efficacy, assertiveness, invincibility, and optimism/hope
Free To Use
It is requested that IBR be notified of their use, and that copies of reports based on these interventions be sent as a professional courtesy
TCU CTS 3 Criminal Thinking Scales
Includes 36 items from 6 scales representing Insensitivity to Impact of Crime, Response Disinhibition, Justification, Power Orientation, Grandiosity, and Social Desirability. This instrument is designed to be used as a tool to measure changes in criminal thinking; it is not designed to serve as a measure of criminal risk.
Free To Use:
It is requested that IBR be notified of their use, and that copies of reports based on these interventions be sent as a professional courtesy