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Training Outcomes

Impact Your Services

Scroll down to read about the outcomes and objectives of training programs -join our various training programs today and become an advocate for change in your community.  We at Elizayo are committed to providing high-quality training sessions to develop participants’ knowledge and understanding 

Understanding Children Exposed to Domestic Violence-Training Outcomes-SACSSP

  • Describe  some  of  the  power  and  control  tactics  used  by  perpetrators  of domestic violence;

  • Describe some of the reasons why  adult victims stay in abusive relationships;

  • Describe the range of effects on children who have been exposed to domestic violence

  • Describe the specific needs of children exposed to domestic violence and  respond effective to address those needs

  • Describe  the  factors  that  influence  how  individual  children  are  impacted by their exposure to domestic violence

Think Trauma: Mental Health and Justice-Training Outcomes

  • Define mental health, mental wellbeing and mental illness

  • Articulate the connection between mental health and coping

  • Explain the factors that may contribute towards mental health problems for offenders and give examples

  • Describe and differentiate between different mental health diagnosis including anxiety, depression and mood disorder’ bipolar disorder, Schizophrenia, personality disorder

  • Identify red flags that could indicate that an offender is potentially struggling with mental distress and refer appropriately for assistance and/or diagnosis

  • Recognise the main physical, psychological and social effects of mental illness on the individual

  • Enable probation officers to consider mental health when conducting pre-sentence investigations and drafting court reports

Meetings as A Management Tool - Making Them Count

Participants will have knowledge and skills regarding

  • Understanding what a meeting is; Evaluating different types of meetings.

  • Understand the importance of running effective meetings.

  • The Fundamentals

  • Why meetings Fail

  • Preparing for a Meeting

  • Agenda  and Minutes Taking

  • The Role of the Chairperson

  • Communication and listening

  • Compiling, finalising, and presenting meeting documentation

  • Distribute records for a meeting

Leadership Conundrum in NPO's

  • Participants will obtain knowledge regarding the theoretical   background of leadership

  • Participants will be able to evaluate themselves with regards to leadership models and   level of their leadership

  • Participants will obtain knowledge regarding the   theoretical background of Qualities and skills required

  • Participants will be able to evaluate   themselves with regards to leadership skills and qualities and identify   learning needs and requirements

  • Participants   will have knowledge with regards to challenges facing them as leaders

  • Participants will be able to identify and address shortcomings in their own organisations and how it infringes of ethical Professional  practice-including Social Work.

  • Participants will be informed with regards to present day approaches to   improving and revitalising leadership

  • Participants will learn new skills and qualities to   apply in their own leadership situations

  • Participants will be able to implement skills learnt   and ensure the continued sustainability of their organisations and relevance of their services

  • Participants able to address incongruencies   in the organisational practice of Social Service and Educational Practice  and ethical requirements of the   profession.

Fundraising and Sustainability

  • Determining South African Resource Mobilization landscape

  • Developing participants understanding of organisational and individual ethical responsibilities when raising funds in the Social Service Field

  • Developing participants understanding and skill in developing a Fundraising Strategy for Social Work Services

  • Developing participants understanding and skill in developing an appropriate Donor Database for Social Services

  • Developing participants understanding and skill in Donor Cultivation

  • Developing participants understanding and skill in Soliciting funds from a Donor and donor stewardship

  • Developing Participants skills and knowledge in the formulating various formal interactions with Donors to facilitate accountability and ethical fundraising

Occupational Certificate: Child and Youth Care Worker

A qualified learner will be able to:

  • Provide holistic, basic and developmental care for orphaned, vulnerable and at risk children and youth.

  • Apply behaviour management and support techniques in routine child and youth care contexts.

  • Implement life space work and life space counselling.

  • Maintain planned environments in child and youth care work.

  • Participate in developmental assessment of children and youth.

  • Assist with the implementation of programmes and activities to deal with identified needs.

  • Advocate for the rights of children and youth.

  • Undertake basic Child and Youth care administration.

Community Development Facilitator (Drug and Alcohol Abuse Awareness)

A qualified learner will be able to: 

  • Have a deep personal understanding of the effects of drug and alcohol abuse and its effects on a person, a family, the workplace and a community.

  • Facilitate a community based drug and alcohol abuse educationor awareness activity.

  • Organize, schedule and facilitate a drug and alcohol abuse education and awareness intervention.

  • Compile and present a Community Development Intervention report. 

  • Apply foundational marketing and public relations tools in a community development context Establish, organize and operate a formal practice or chapter for the performance of this intervention

Working With Victims of Violence-Training Outcomes

  • Participants  able to identify and use appropriate skills and attitudes to respond to victims of violence;

  •  Participants knowledge and understanding of the impact of violence on victims is expanded and they can apply the knowledge learnt.  

  • Participants able to identify the stages of Victims Response to trauma and develop appropriate and individual intervention plans.; 

  • Participants develop knowledge and understanding of the recovery process of the victim and can select and apply relevant and appropriate  techniques and activities;  

  • Participants can apply ethical considerations in working with victims of violence with specific references to client autonomy, Conflict of interest, duty of care and Beneficence

Child Sexual Behaviour That Harms-Training Outcomes-SACSSP

  • Improve the early identification of children with sexual behaviour problems;

  • Increase access to early intervention services for children with sexual behaviour problems;

  • Identify abnormal and/or precocious sexual knowledge or preoccupation.

  • Describe the subtypes of problematic childhood sexual behaviours

  • Identify and describe the factors that move a child beyond natural and healthy behaviours

  • Identify and describe the characteristics of problematic sexual  behaviours in children

  • Respond appropriately to situations and children, when inappropriate sexual behaviour is displayed;

  • Support parents or carers of children with sexual behaviour problems to respond in an appropriate manner to children


  • Knowledge of for the issues influencing assessment. 

  • Knowledge of the value of assessment tools and identify which skills they personally have to develop to conduct an 

  • assessment. 

  • Skills In applying Assessment tools, Implement assessment process and incorporate information in treatment plan 

  • Understand and apply the dynamic process involved in gathering information for an assessment 

  • Understand and apply process of analysing and evaluating in assessments 

Gender Based Violence: The Fundamentals-Trainingt Outcomes

  • Define concepts relevant to Gender Based Violence

  • Identify forms of Gender Based Violence, causes and consequences

  • Identify how communities and service providers can offer assistance to victims and perpetrators of Gender Based Violence

  • Adequately assist any victim of Gender Based Violence

Child Sexual Development and Sexuality-Training Outcomes-SACSSP

  • Address their own personal issues and thoughts regarding childhood sexuality

  • Identify personal attitudes and responses that is not helpful in supporting heathy sexual development

  • Recognize age appropriate sexual knowledge and behaviour in children

  • Explain and describe the continuum of sexual behaviour

  • Articulate the difference between sexual development and sexuality

  • Select and use appropriate responses to respond to child sexual behaviour

NPC Reg: 2023 / 841991 / 08
NPO Nr: 235-551
Whatsapp: 0673381061 

21-25 Belmont Rd, Rondebosch, Cape Town, South Africa ; ​Satellite: Kleinmond

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